
KALUĞERICA :::::: 13 - 15 November ::::::

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Is this house ugly?
Is this person in trouble?
Is this second-rate culture?


On the pitch of FC Partizan in Kaludjerica
Is there a boundary
On the pitch of FC Partizan in Kaludjerica
between urban and rural culture?
On the pitch of FC Partizan in Kaludjerica
Can anyone find that boundary marker without turning it into barbed wire surrounding the concentration camp?


New screening on the façade of the Pekabeta supermarket
Last year, at this very spot, a passer-by quite aptly asked, "What is it that you are selling?"
This year, no one asked us that question; instead, we had full TV coverage of the campaign: why wouldn't we too apply the principle "What is good appears, what appears is good"?
Zveca and Pedja pose for a photograph
Our collaborators obediently pose for a photograph... they tend to think that a programme carried out by B92 cultural centre must, in itself, be good...