
SREMÈICA :::::: 6 - 8 November ::::::

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U holu OS Vuk Karadzic
On the following evening, professor Milanka Vasic, collaborator on the Flux project invited a target group - members of school art clubs to the showing of works...
U holu OS Vuk Karadzic
At the beginning of the showing, the place was somewhat crowded...
U holu OS Vuk Karadzic
But later, only the faithful few remained to see the first half of the programme


U holu OS Vuk Karadzic
until even they ran out of patience.
U holu OS Vuk Karadzic
They showed a slightly bigger interest in the posters that were given away
U holu OS Vuk Karadzic
but your watching of these photographs is practically the only event produced by this campaign...