
RIPANJ :::::: 26 - 28 July ::::::

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The worst solution would be that we become contented with the good status the project is given in the media, as well as with favourable fund-raising prospects...

Without personal involvement of the inhabitants of suburbs, the project will, mainly, be regarded as imposed ("superimposed" is, in fact, the term that perfectly describes this type of situation). (See the conclusions reached during the discussion on Flux held in Djura Jaksic's House, as part of the "Discussions on Works of Art" project)

In Ripanj, we tried to make such personal involvement possible by showing one art project on flyers (check out the link soon). If we manage to secure funding for the Flux project, next year, we will improve this system by organizing a workshop


However, on the second night, we organized a showing of works in the entrance hall of the local Cultural Centre for five or six viewers who were coming and going all the time...

...meanwhile, in the entrance hall of the local Cultural Centre...

the sound of ping-pong balls and the din of merry voices...


After the showing, the author of the project excels in table football. He uses his well-earned respect to indoctrinate potential audience...

They promise:" We'll be at the station tomorrow"...